Home Libraries & Demo Damaged Sd card Formatter APK

About Damaged Sd card Formatter APK

Damaged Sd Card Formatter is an app which is used to format damaged sdcard data. Damaged Sd Card Formatter is an app which is used to format damaged sdcard data. Just click on the format button, the app will erase all the data on the memory card of the phone . Selection of the SD card internal or external to format. know the path of memory before you format /* Be caution while erasing the data /* Damaged Sd Card Formatter will erase the data only on your Memory card The photos and videos are also stored on dcim folder on sd card. Check the folder and erase There will be no backup of the data ,everything will be erased permanently. Some of the great features: * Simplicity * Fast scanning in background (you can close the app till it finishes scanning) * Files categorization * Files preview * Largest files on the top of the list * And more ...

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Last Version

date 20.0

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